Baby rabbits are looking for names

Mar 27, 2024

In time Easter are ours plush long ears on the Lichtblickhof hopped and made themselves comfortable. The fur balls, which are popular with everyone, really all children, families and therapists, are now slowly on their way Therapy business introduced to become. They still need that Training and many beautiful moments with the children. Our seven rabbits are real “Happy doer” Our thanks to them are all the greater Veterinary practice at Schönbrunn Zoo for the detailed health check!

Maybe you're STILL looking for a great one unique Easter gift?

We're looking for the seven dwarves Name sponsorsthat accompany you on your way to becoming an adult therapy rabbit:

How it works?

Quite simply one sponsor a child Complete it and give your rabbit a suitable name - ideally in time for Easter. One for that Standing Orderffor one year, over 33€ with subject: “sponsorship rabbit + name” Complete and confirm info@lichtblickhof. At send. The first 7 can then have one Namur forgiven, everyone else will help the rabbits and us no less! Thanks to Julia Salzer for the great pictures of the colorful fluffy long-eared gang:


World Cuddle Day

World Cuddle Day

Today is #worldcuddlyday and especially in times of Covid-19 we realize how important social contacts and physical contact are! Even if contact with people is currently limited, we are happy that our animals can help the therapy children to recharge their batteries here. Therapy cat Fuchs is, even if he is much smaller than the horses,...

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