Equine Assisted Trauma Therapy

We are incredibly proud that... October 2017 the book of dr Karen Hediger and Mag. Roswitha Zink - Equine Assisted Trauma Therapy - in the reinhardt-verlag.de appeared:
Based on scientifically based trauma therapy concepts and the current The status of research on horse-assisted work includes methods, requirements, but also limits and risks horse-assisted trauma therapy is clearly presented. Based on the case study The authors provide an insight into the 16-year-old Hannah and her therapy horse Tamino horse-assisted trauma therapy. What quality assurance measures are available? Which qualifications of the therapist are important and how can the selection, training and keeping of the therapy horse be optimally achieved? The book provides an overview of the effects and implementation of horse-assisted interventions in trauma therapy and thus creates a basis for the further development of this therapeutic area.

You can find a reading sample here.

Click here for our picturegallery of the book presentation 2017.